lunes, 12 de abril de 2010

Getting Ready for MY Job Interview

After have seen the video of this link:
Im sure that these are the steps to be ready to a ANY job interview, this week Ill have a job interview for my "pasantias" and watching this video is an excellent way to start my preparation.
OK, following the video tutorial in a job interview you have a small talk with your interviewer. To a job interview you should wear professional clothes, this is to show your serius side. To give a good impression you should always be smilyng. If you have the interview in a restorant cafe try to show your best manners in table and to speak clear. If you have a situation with two interviewers try to satisfy the needs of both at a time, this way there wont be any problem. If something goes wrong with your interview try to go directly te the benefits of the company with your work. If you have a telephone interview try to focus on put your voice calm, secure and professional.
With this tips there is no way to be unemployee XD

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